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Custom Homes

While commercial projects must satisfy the mind and the wallet, a custom home must also satisfy the heart.  We have always kept the design of custom residential homes at the heart of our practice.  Our approach to private residential architecture focuses on two main factors; the Owners needs and the making of place.  We work closely with clients to not only meet their program needs but also strive to express the owners character in every project.  The orientation of each site is fundamental to our approach and work hard to make every project a modern expression of efficiency sustainability. 

With a strong background in construction, our team works closely with builders to ensure that details are executed with the highest quality.  It is a common practice for our services to extend through the construction phase of a project in order to provide the client with the highest level of quality control in the final product. 


Peacock Residence

South Miami Residence


Levy Residence

Featured Projects

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